Gender in advertising
These two ads for boys and girls clothing differentiates in that the boy is wearing clothes that promote learning, with an Albert Einstein shirt, and the heading saying ”The little scholar”. Meanwhile the young girl is wearing less academic clothes and the heading reads “The social butterfly.” My perception of gap did not change after this, they have been slammed for similar ad campaigns in the past. This ad implies that only boys can be scholarly, and that women are not interested in learning, only in being social. I do not think this ad is okay, and this controversy could easily be fixed by just having both of the children’s titles in the ads be scholarly. For example, just call the little’s girls look “the bookworm” or some other nerdy phrase and it wouldn’t have been a problem. I doubt the makers of the ads were purposefully trying to offend people, and whether or not they did it unconsciously is up for debate, but how this ad actually reached people is astounding. ...